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Additional Remittance Information for SEPA Payments

Now you can add more information to your SEPA (Single European Payment Area) payments via additional remittance information form in Bankera’s internet banking.

            Extended remittance information might be required and help in a number of situations, when situation or receiver requires to provide additional information together with a payment. For the example recipient requires to specify invoice or payer number or invoicee differs from the payer.


How to add additional remittance information to payment?


            When making a payment, after entering recipient’s credentials and amount, if payment is going to a SEPA account you will be provided an option to check a box to provide additional information.


What information can be added?


End to End Id – unique payment code associated to the payer and provided by the recipient to help to automate transaction flow.


Payer’s additional information - type (individual or organisation), identification information such as date and place of birth or identification document type and number in case of the individual payer.  


Initial payer’s information (if the initial payer differs from the payer): initial payer’s name, identification information such as date and place of birth or identification document type and number in case of individual initial payer.  


Beneficiary’s information - its address, type (individual or organisation, identification information such as date and place of birth or identification document type and number for individual beneficiaries.


Ultimate beneficiary’s information - its name, type (individual or organisation), identification information such as date and place of birth or identification document type and number for individual beneficiaries. 


End to End Id is usually required when paying various bills, for example fees for the government, bills for utilities or insurance.


Initial payer’s information becomes handy, when you are paying on behalf of someone, for example your children, as it makes it easier for the recipient to link transaction to your child.


If you have any questions about additional information fields, feel free to contact our support on the website or by email.

12 December, 2022

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